Working from home hurts the British economy |  BNR News Radio

Working from home hurts the British economy | BNR News Radio

Working from home is very successful in the UK. Less than 20 percent of employees have returned to their workplace so far. This is lower than in the entire European Union. And so the UK government launched a media campaign to get people back to work. “Working from home hurts the UK economy,” says reporter Lea Van Beekhoven.

Public transportation is the culprit

According to Van Bekhoven, public transportation is the main reason why people do not want to go to work. Public transport was not enjoyable in and of itself: very crowded, very crowded, expensive and time consuming. For many Brits, working from home is a no-brainer. Another factor is fear of the second wave and childcare. Baby care is expensive, and people are unsure if enough space can be kept in the office floor.

Working from home is costing the UK Treasury $ 500 billion

The UK government wants people to return to the office because working from home hurts the economy. It will be 500 billion pounds. “There are thousands of businesses here in inner cities that depend on workers and commuters like shops, cafes, and sandwich bars. The sandwich is an English invention, and you have many sandwich bars on every shopping street.”

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