Twitter Shows Warning About ‘Bad Language’ Answers – IT Pro – News

Twitter comes with a feature that warns users before posting a Tweet in “bad language”. Users can change their mind before posting the Tweet, although they can also choose to publish the Tweet without changing.

Twitter announces the startup Their website. The feature displays a notification when users try to post a response to a Tweet in bad language. “When the going gets tough, she sometimes says things that don’t matter to her.” I wrote the company During a pre-job test. “To give you a chance to rethink your answer, we ran a limited trial on iOS with a prompt that allows you to review your answer before publishing if it contains potentially harmful language.”

The functionality is not entirely new. In 2020, Twitter has already tested this feature, although it paused testing for later. The feature was retested in February, he writes 9to5Mac. The feature should now already be launched. According to Twitter, 34 percent of people chose to edit or delete their original Tweet after seeing the notice. The platform claims that people who viewed the report wrote an average of 11% fewer “offensive” tweets in the future.

After the initial tests, Twitter has made many changes. At first, the system was unable to properly distinguish between mockery or friendly harassment, but this must have improved by now. The system now also takes into account the relationship between the sender and receiver of an vulgar tweet. “If two Twitter users follow each other and interact regularly, they are likely to have a better understanding of the desired tone of communication.”

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Writes The Verge The feature will be rolling out to iOS users who are using the app in English starting Wednesday. The feature should be available for the Android version of Twitter “in the next few days.” It is not clear if and when the feature will be rolled out for other languages ​​or the platform’s web version.

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