Court: German government must tighten climate law |  abroad

Court: German government must tighten climate law | abroad

This law states, among other things, that by 2030 greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by at least 55 percent compared to 1990. According to the Federal Court in Karlsruhe, the law does not violate the rights of future generations, but it is clear that these will not be Enough. Provides for a further reduction in emissions from 2031.

No greenhouse gases in 2050

Germany aims to release almost no greenhouse gases by 2050. To achieve this goal, greenhouse gas emissions after 2030 must be reduced “very quickly and urgently”. The burden should be better distributed, as the current law “irreversibly postpones the heavy burden of reducing emissions beyond 2030”.

The court said that deficiencies in the law violated the freedoms of most of the young men who had taken the case to court. This environmental organization includes BUND and the Friday for Future climate movement. They believe the federal government is not doing enough to curb greenhouse gas emissions and curb global warming.

The climate law must be amended by December 31, 2022 at the latest. The court should determine how the country will achieve the climate goals, while also taking into account the period after 2030.

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