Paying for your favorite podcast?  More and more parties are investing in it

Paying for your favorite podcast? More and more parties are investing in it

Interest in podcasts is growing and the show continues to grow. I’m thinking of Deventer Media case (Reconstructing the role of the media in the aftermath of that murder case), NRC today (Daily news podcast), Geuze & Gorgels (With Monica Geuze and Kaj Gorgels) or Spotcast bird (For bird watchers).

Interest in the medium makes making money with podcasts more and more fun. On Tuesday, Apple announced that software makers will be able to offer subscriptions to the podcast app starting next month. Folgins Wall Street Journal Competitor Spotify will announce the same announcement next week.

A battle that has been dormant for some time is gaining momentum. Key difference: Apple wants to share in the manufacturers’ revenue, and Spotify is said not to.

Media scholar and podcast maker Linda Duits expects: “We are at the beginning of the change that listening to podcasts will increasingly cost money” “and I think listeners will allow that too.”

In its early stages

Meanwhile, the podcast market is still in its infancy. It is not entirely clear how much money is being spent in the Netherlands. It is assumed that it relates to relatively small quantities; Market all over the world this year estimated Good for nearly 1.4 billion dollars. A recent Dutch survey by Markteffect showed that 8 percent of respondents had paid for a podcast at some point.

So the large players see a future in the revenue model. Three years ago, Tim de Gere founded Dag en Nacht Media with his partner, Anne Janssens. She is now a publisher who has over forty shows of her own, and according to De Gere, she is profitable.

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In addition to the ads, they have worked on a new concept since June of last year: Friend of the Show. Basically their subscription model, which manufacturers can join. “We strongly believe in the relationship between listeners and their favorite program,” says De Geer. Listeners who pay get extras in return.

The makers of ‘Damn Honey’ are now able to make ends meet with their podcast, in the video they explain how:

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