The Netherlands is a world leader in scientific impact

The Netherlands is a world leader in scientific impact

Some publications quickly fade into oblivion, while others make an impact: they are widely read and cited. According to Elsevier grades The Netherlands is 72 percent ahead of the world average in scientific citations. The number of publications is also relatively high.

Absolute top

Publications in which researchers collaborate at the international level have a particularly high impact, and our country is strong in this field. Publications in which only the Dutch participate score only 20% above the world average.

According to Elsevier, Dutch universities cooperate with the absolute top academics from Europe and North America, such as Oxford and Harvard. Nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of all Dutch publications are produced through international collaboration. This is higher than the global average (20%) or the EU average (43%).

Erasmus University Rotterdam and the University of Amsterdam have the greatest impact according to Elsevier. But it is also possible to make rankings in which other universities are at the top.

“We cherish internationalization”

According to Jocke de Vries, interim president of the UNL Universities Association, the Elsevier study shows that radically reducing the flow of international students and making science less international would have significant negative consequences. “Then Dutch universities will not play in the World Premier League.”

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