Frikandels are sold nearby

Frikandels are sold nearby

In the department Han Lips is watching TV Writing by several editors Hit Parole Every day about what catches their attention on TV. today: I'm leaving.

Rolf Jean Doyne

Where does optimism end and naivety begin? What turns negligence into gross exaggeration? When does unwavering confidence in one's abilities become reckless? Over the course of 25 seasons and more than 250 episodes, these are the questions he asks I'm leaving-The viewer, lounging lazily on his own sofa, stands. I'm leaving It is, more than any other program, more about yourself than the candidates. Because who doesn't dream of taking a leap of faith every now and then? What's holding us back?

Participants Rob and Tom seem to have no fear. Rob is a Burgundian Limburger who loves to bake pies, and Tom suffers from a double hernia. Together they have bought a completely run-down farmhouse in France, which they want to turn into a bed and breakfast within two months with a budget of €40,000. And at some point while preparing this really crazy plan, Rob and Tom must have thought it would be fun to record it with I'm leaving.

The couple sees some bumps in the road anyway. The fact that Tom is not allowed to lift due to his back problems does not prevent him from doing the refitting himself. The prospect of living in an icy area for weeks without hot water doesn't scare them either. Everything is leaking, the cold December winds are blowing through the house, and every day they discover new hidden fractures.

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It doesn't help that Rob and Tom don't speak French. 'we Builds dream-Maison“, they say to their neighbors when they come to meet us. But they remain as optimistic as ever, and when they discover that in a nearby village there is a chip shop that sells croquettes and fricandels, they are completely satisfied. Rob remains a tireless handyman, and Tom supports him with cups of coffee.

And yes, after a year of struggling and going over their budget, their paradise is ready and they can welcome their first guests. Rob bakes them a pie and Tom is often forced to cry. It was hell of a job, but they did it beautifully. Naive and reckless? maybe. But who is still stuck on the couch in front of the TV? correct.

More TV reviews? Read all Han Lips episodes in our archive. Also read Sterrenstof's weekly section where we discuss media week. comment? [email protected].

Is it lips?

Hit Parole Sign TV reviews in the section Han Lips is watching TV From now on in the name of the author. The department will of course continue to exist, but the fictional character Han Lips has retired.

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