“I will take care of the order and dignity of this house” – Yup

“I will take care of the order and dignity of this house” – Yup


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Something about another presidential election.

It has often happened in Europe that a representative of the largest party is elected President of Parliament. Example: It is August 30, 1932. The German Reichstag is meeting for the first time after the elections. According to the bylaws, the meeting is chaired by the oldest member. that it Clara Zetkin, a communist so weak that she has to be led to the chair by two party members. However, she seizes the opportunity to deliver a fierce speech against capitalism, to which the only answer is proletarian revolution. She hoped that, despite her present disability, she would still enjoy the pleasure of opening the first Soviet Congress of Soviet Germany as Nestor. The Communists in the Reichstag applaud her enthusiastically. The rest remain silent. A newspaper report: “Then the clerks begin naming names. German citizens enter the room. Roll call takes about half an hour. The result is that 578 representatives are present and the Council can therefore make decisions. The Reichstag then makes its first decisions: two proposals for separation from custody are adopted, from a Communist and from a National Socialist deputy. After that, the selection of the presidency begins. Dr. Frick (The National Socialist Party) appoints his party colleague as president Goering to. ready (Communist) says his party colleague Torgler He then further announces that his group and the Central Committee of the German Communist Party support the exclusion of the National Socialists from the selection of the president. If the National Socialist is not elected in the first round of voting, the Communists will vote for the Social Democratic candidate in the second round. Dittman (Social Democratic Party) announces that his group is for the former president lube He will vote. In addition to his faction, the Center, the Bavarian People’s Party, the German Citizens and the German People’s Party voted for Göring. The election results were: 367 votes for Goering, 135 votes for the Lobby, 80 votes for Torgler, and 1 vote for Fattor (National Socialist). Therefore Göring was elected President of the Reichstag by an absolute majority.

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His platoon greeted the result with drum beats and chants of “welcome.” When asked by Nestor, Göring declared that he accepted the choice. “A National Socialist calls out to the late Nestor:”Mrs. Zetkin This is unique. It won’t happen again“. The newly elected president takes his seat amid loud shouts of “salute” from the National Socialists. He said: “I have been elected President of the Reichstag by the majority as a representative of the stronger faction. I thank you for the trust and promise to perform my duties fairly and impartially and in accordance with existing regulations.” I will maintain the order and dignity of this house. However, I leave no doubt that I will not allow the dignity and honor of the German people to be compromised. The honor of the history of the German people will also find in me a convincing protector.


Kölnische Zeitung, Wednesday 31 August 1932, morning edition.

Just over 90 years later, a surprise crowd occurred at the Duesmann Library on Friedrichstrasse in Berlin: A day like gold.

As for the rest, I am of the opinion that the surcharge scandal should not disappear from public attention, nor should the issue surrounding natural gas in Groningen.

He listens Memory palaceHan van der Horst and John Knierim’s weekly podcast about politics and history. Now: Journey.

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