Angry Op1 editors sit down with NPO boss: What’s going on? | Media
Editorial staff at Op1 angry. Meanwhile, like everyone else in the Netherlands, they read in the newspaper that the talk show was over. And they lost their jobs. That’s why NPO President Frederic Levlang is speaking to them today. What exactly happened?
In het kort
- De talkshow Op1 stopt in september 2024. Het personeel hoorde dit nieuws via de media.
- De NPO bevestigde dat het stoppen van Op1 te maken heeft met zijn nieuwe plannen en verontschuldigde zich voor het uitlekken.
- De redactie van Op1, die woedend is over deze gang van zaken, heeft een brief geschreven aan NPO-voorzitter Frederieke Leeflang. Vandaag zitten ze met elkaar.
He. She advertisement Written on Wednesday, December 6th Based on the sources that Op1 It will disappear from the atmosphere in September 2024. Several people participating in the nonprofit’s talk show say they were surprised by the leaked news.
Op1Host Charles Groenhuijsen confirmed that evening that the talk show had indeed ended. “To our surprise and dismay, we heard today that a press release will be published tomorrow in which the non-profit will announce that BNNVARA will be presenting a talk show on our day,” says Groenhuijsen. “This hits us hard.”
Host Fidan Ekiz describes the non-profit’s approach that same evening as “unprofessional” and “negligent.”
A day later, the nonprofit already issued a statement. Public radio confirms that Op1Indeed, employees have not been informed of the decision yet. NPO is disappointed by the leak. “As a result, the careful process we have with broadcasters has been disrupted, for which we deeply regret.”
delete Op1 It has everything to do with the new plans of the non-profit organization. “Unfortunately, innovation sometimes also means the end of programs.” It is now known that the crater Op1 Late in the evening there was a new program by Khaled Qasim and Sophie Hillebrand. This duo will make way for Eva Jenek, who can be seen on the eve of September with a new program of current events and culture.
Editorial staff at Op1 He writes an angry letter to NPO Chairman Leeflang. In this they express their dissatisfaction. They’re angry because they had to read in the newspaper about the talk show ending. Employees feel “humiliated” and “angry” about the situation. “In addition to dismay, among the editors, editors-in-chief and presenters present, other old feelings were rudely awakened.”
“This is not the first time the show’s creators have felt treated in such an unfair and ill-considered way,” the letter said. It is said that “for the umpteenth time” there was inappropriate contact with them. “For a public broadcaster who talks so much about the treatment of employees and claims that workplace safety is an important focus, this treatment of employees is inappropriate.”
The NVJ Journalists’ Union also finds the situation “disappointing.” The NVJ believes that employers should approach job security carefully and inform relevant employees of the changes. “Both broadcasters and non-profits have promised improvement when it comes to feeling unsafe in the workplace. But as it stands now, it’s little more than a paper fact.”
to Op1-The editors request a conversation with Levlang. This conversation will follow today. But there are no signs that the conversation will change anything about the nonprofit’s decision. Broadcaster MAX president Jan Slagter previously expressed hope that the program would continue in a “reduced form.” “bee Op1 It employs many young people whose future is uncertain. “This hurts me even more.”
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