Refrigeration is delayed: “The turning point is delayed”

Refrigeration is delayed: “The turning point is delayed”

The cooling that would have approached in the middle of this week is still a long way off. This is what Weerplaza’s Wouter van Bernebeek said on Monday morning on the radio program “WAKKER!” On Omroep Brabant.

Profile photo of Peter de Becker

“Sunday was a lovely day at 27 local 28 and we will make it again Monday afternoon. We will still see some clouds in the morning, especially over the north of the county. In the afternoon it will be mostly sunny all around, with degrees Very hot at the end of August. Very little wind, so you will feel very hot.”

“It will be 20 degrees Monday night until after sunset.”

According to Water, it also stays fun well into the evening. “It’s great weather for grilling, and great weather for sitting outside anyway. I think it will be above 20 degrees even after the sun goes down.” The temperature eventually drops to around 15 degrees at night.

On Tuesday we actually got a repeat of this weather. “Some clouds in the morning, mostly sunny in the afternoon and again around 27 degrees with a light wind.”

The turning point has been postponed.

The heat will also continue on Wednesday and Thursday. “A few days ago, Wednesday was forecast to be somewhat of a tipping point, with already cooler temperatures and more rain after that,” Wouter nods. “But that turning point has been a bit delayed. Wednesday and Thursday will also be warm, 27 or 28 degrees. Lots of sun. Maybe one rain or a thunderstorm will follow Thursday evening. Towards the end of the week, the weather will turn again, but still it’s Uncertain when this turning point will be.

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