Sven Viege takes the fight in De Slimste Mens: ‘Cinderella killed me’

Sven Viege takes the fight in De Slimste Mens: ‘Cinderella killed me’

Sven who owes his fame mainly as a bandleader in the music program Matthews continues, quickly ranks third on the game show. On the other hand, his opponents Amy and Jurgen are doing very well. However, in the final, Sven has to compete against Amy, the editor-in-chief of a newspaper Volkskrant magazine.

While Sven’s 160 seconds on the clock looks promising, it doesn’t compare to his opponent’s position. Amy enters the final with a lead of 248 seconds on her clock. After all, this isn’t the first time Amy has been at this point in the game. “You’re an expert,” Lieutenant-Colonel Philip tells the editor. As Sven encourages: “She [Aimée, red.] Sometimes it’s a little shaky at this point. (…) Well, I mean, you don’t stand a chance.

Despite the motivating words, Sven is still stuck. For example, when asked “What do you know about Cinderella?” Just guess the word “fairy tale” correctly. When Aimée manages to win 91 seconds on her watch at the end of the game, he puts it all into the shoes—or slippers—of the fairytale character. He told Philip, “I couldn’t get to him anymore. Cinderella killed me.” The announcer replied, “I mean, Cinderella.”

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