He lives.  Press Conference + Crisis Meeting Collision Cycle IV

He lives. Press Conference + Crisis Meeting Collision Cycle IV

Is ramban roti going to say sorry here too?


The day after the night before the evening (or will it be night work again?). But before coalition talks resume, it is now the prime minister’s first weekly post-cabinet press conference. Early this morning, make the offer to Tom Staallive: You will ask about immigration and I won’t say anything about it. But is Mark ‘Collide of course’ Rutte in the room full of reporters right now? Just like his colleagues – Apologies to the nation, the country that has been among hope for the past twenty-four hours And fear Wrong that the fourth Rutte government will fall?
macrophages: Here are updates on the consultation (around 4:15 p.m., we estimate)
to update: Boring, boring, boring, Rutte does not allow himself to be provoked and says absolutely nothing. Congratulations on the persistence of BNR BNR while keeping the FM frequency. Newcomer and competitor Financial News Radio is not mentioned. Coalition talks will continue at 5:15 p.m.
to update: According to T., the previously discussed alphabetical solution to asylum was on the table last night. However, various forms of reintroduction of the two-position system were introduced within the coalition Disqualified. Today, Erik van der Burgh, Minister of State for Asylum, will discuss a new secret plan.
to update: It says – in Ruti custom – Indian on the table.
to update: Van der Burgh’s secret plan is known: emergency button (or valve). This means that family reunification can be paused when the flow of asylum seekers runs out. This should be regulated by law and the question is whether this is possible. Anyway, Deputy Premier Carola Schotten (CU) is in the track to the negotiating table.
Live broadcast: from the door

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