Human remains likely to be found among Titan submarine wreckage |  outside

Human remains likely to be found among Titan submarine wreckage | outside

The US Coast Guard says it has found “presumed” human remains in the shattered hull of the submarine Titan, which exploded while traveling to the wreck of the Titanic earlier this month.

These remains, carefully collected from the wreckage, will now be analyzed, as will salvaged wreckage. This is to provide “critical elements to understanding the cause of this tragedy,” said Jason Neubauer, who leads US Coast Guard investigations.

The Titan was lost earlier this month when it plunged toward the sinking liner Titanic in 1912. Only later did an implosion appear to have occurred. It is not known why the ship collapsed under high pressure in the ocean depths. Titan has already completed more than twenty expeditions to the wreck. None of the five passengers survived.

Big wreck

The wreckage of the submarine Titan arrived Wednesday local time on the Canadian mainland in the eastern Canadian port of Saint John. This would include a side plate and possibly the nose of the submarine.

A part that looks like the Titan OS.
A part that looks like the Titan OS. ©AP

Although Titan’s implosion was accompanied by enormous forces, and a few remnants of the pressure vessel that held its occupants, significant debris was recovered from the sea. “Not surprising in itself,” says Jeroen Pruijn, assistant professor of marine technology at TU Delft, when looking at the images. The “tail” and frame or landing gear appear to be visible from the outside. It is not crushed.

“When you ignite a firecracker, the bottom part, farthest from the explosion, is often intact,” he explains. The seams in particular seem to have been pierced here, he can see.

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Successfully complete the process

The owner of the underwater robot that found Titan half a kilometer from the Titanic last week told Canadian media that his team had successfully completed the operation in the Atlantic Ocean. The company says it cannot make any further statements due to the investigations, reports the daily The Globe and Mail.

US and Canadian authorities are investigating the Titan in the area of ​​transport safety. The US Coast Guard and police in Canada are also investigating what went wrong.

The wreckage of the submarine Titan reached the Canadian mainland on Wednesday local time.
The wreckage of the submarine Titan reached the Canadian mainland on Wednesday local time. ©AP

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