Designer Edward Van Fleet offers 8 tips for the best luxury hotel suite

Designer Edward Van Fleet offers 8 tips for the best luxury hotel suite

international sensation

Remodeling a five-star hotel is a task that most interior decoration enthusiasts can only dream of. That’s why Géza and Carolien handle this great project with both hands. Of course, this includes an appropriate member of the jury. This time it is the world famous Edward Van Fleet. As a product designer and developer, he has been causing an international sensation for years. You can tell his style by the contrasting materials and the different patterns he uses. With his studio, he designs, among other things, luxury hotels all over the world. So Van Fleet is also called the “dream guest jury member” for the final assignment.

You’ve already seen a number of tips in the episode, including adding your own signature and placing contrasting furniture. In the video below, he offers several tips from his experience.

VIP internal project

In The Interior Project VIPS, six celebrities with a passion for interior design compete against each other every week to see which of them is the best interior designer. With the final final assignment: to design a luxury hotel suite at the Hotel De l’Europe in Amsterdam. And that’s where it ended up today! Entrants were judged each week by permanent jury member Leco van Zadelhoff – himself a pro-amateur in the field of interior design – and variable guest jury member. This week, it’s up to designer and product developer Edward Van Fleet.

Shop the look

Have you seen the beautiful furniture, accessories and colors in the luxury hotel suites in Carolien or Géza. View The Look Shop here to see where the items come from.

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