Sander Schimmelpenninck is no longer welcome on Today Inside after his tweet

Sander Schimmelpenninck is no longer welcome on Today Inside after his tweet

Last Friday, Sander explained on Twitter why he’s been sharing so often lately indoors today Visible. Sometimes people ask: why join? VI to sit? Then I say: contradict and educate the stupid right-wing crowd. And Twitter comments of course,” he tweeted. He then goes on to call people who voted for the party “selfish” and claimed that the BBB constituency is generally “over 50s and low-skilled.”

In the day inside-Gentlemen, this tweet went completely wrong. “I have the impression that that noble boy who was sitting here thought we were stupid, because we voted for BBB,” Johan said last night. “This boy has a very serious form of overestimated self-esteem,” says Renee. “Actually, I should put him in my garden. Using a wheelbarrow, I paint his nose red and he laughs all day long.”

Johan expresses doubts that Sander will not be invited in the future. Renee agrees, saying, “No, it’s not appropriate.” “But also because it contradicts you?” asks Wilfred Jenny. “No, that’s not what it’s about. That’s what these people who feel elevated do. They portray you as stupid. If half of Holland votes for the BBB, they think it’s all stupid. Well, I think that’s very arrogant and arrogant.”

The men’s statements did not escape Sander’s notice. He replies again today with a very sarcastic tweet:

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