‘Last hope!’  Ailing leading kickboxer Robbie Hackman is leaving for America

‘Last hope!’ Ailing leading kickboxer Robbie Hackman is leaving for America

'Last hope!'  Great kickboxer Robbie Hackman to America without serious health problems

Robbie Hackman, former glory kickboxer, is counting down the hours until he flies to America tomorrow afternoon. Here he goes for an initial appointment with the doctors who will help him cure his brain tumor.

disease Hackman He has trained with UFC star Conor McGregor in the past and has yet to decide whether to work with him for further treatment. Last month, Hackman launched a fundraising campaign to pay for the expensive treatment in the US.

So far, 3800 donations have been received and almost one hundred thousand euros have already been collected. Hackman has undergone two surgeries in the Netherlands. Although doctors have said that a cure is no longer possible, he still wants to try to prolong his life with chemotherapy.

The doctor’s last hope for Robbie Hackman

After this period he hopes for a successful treatment in Houston, USA. On Tuesday, de Hagemann will hold a meeting with the three chief doctors. During the conversation he meets Doctor Burczynski, who has developed a method that can save Hackman, and all hope is based on this.

The treatment costs half a million euros. If that amount doesn’t come through, Hackman will launch the campaign anyway. Hackman likes to save time this way. So you can still donate Crowdfunding campaign. On January 19, Hackman will return to our country.

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