Arjen Lubach was elected Media Personality of the Year

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Presenter Arjen Lubach was chosen as the best broadcaster of the year. At the Museum of Sound and Vision, he took the award from last year’s winner, Andre van Duyn.
The award is presented each year by Broadcast Magazine. This year, for the first time, at Van Duyn’s insistence, no distinction was made between radio and man of the year. The comedian called it crazy last year that this distinction still existed in times of merger, after which the award became gender-neutral.
The oft-cited contender for this year’s award was Tim Hoffman for airing the programme angry about cross-border behavior The Voice of the Netherlands early last year. In his thank-you speech, Laubach joked that he was glad the organization had determined that Hofmann had already earned enough awards.
After success Sunday with Lubach The presenter started the daily satirical program last February evening show, which was also successful. The two seasons that have been prepared so far have attracted over a million viewers per broadcast. Season 3 will start on January 23rd.
“crazy address”
Lubach thanked his team for receiving the award. “It’s a crazy title. Everyone knows that without my show I would never have won this award, and that without my team I could never have made my show.” He described it as an honor to receive the award from Andre van Duyn.
Last month, Laubach also took first place in Media100, the annual list of the 100 most influential people in Dutch media.
“Travel specialist. Typical social media scholar. Friend of animals everywhere. Freelance zombie ninja. Twitter buff.”