World A Pakistani court frees a rapist because he married a victim distinct December 30, 2022 29 dec 2022 at 22:17Update: 7 our generationBeeld: Getty Images Lees meer over: PakistanVrouwenrechtenMensenrechten Ivor Guerrero "Pop culture enthusiast. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Analyst. Student. Explorer."
The great fires that raged in Tafelberg turned part of the unique university collection to ashes The fire brigade deployed helicopters to fight the fire. Local authorities say at least one firefighter suffered burns and was…
An explosion and fire destroyed the gas pipeline between Lithuania and Latvia Fumo hat NOS News•Today 20:12•an average Today 20:44 A gas pipeline between Lithuania and Latvia has caught fire after an…
Dutchman arrested in Sudan released and evacuated to UK | outside 02 mei 2023 at 15:43Update: now we are old Ontvang meldingen bij belangrijk nieuws over Soedan.