Eva Kylie (Sports Bag Full of Cash) in Court in EU Corruption Case | abroad
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Kylie has become known in her home country as the channel’s news anchor mega channel. After her television career, she joined the Social Democratic Party PASOK. There she worked as an MP for seven years, after which in 2014 she decided to run for election to the European Social Democratic Community. Within Parliament, she worked her way up until she was elected as one of the 14 Vice-Presidents in January.
According to her colleagues, she is following a strong pro-Qatar course within the group. Her infamous statement in parliament was that the Gulf state was a “pioneer in the field of workers’ rights”. This is a remarkable statement, given the huge uproar (including within the European Parliament) over the appalling conditions that Qatari migrant workers had to build stadiums and infrastructure for the FIFA World Cup.
He schandaal in het court:
- Sinds vrijdag 9 december zijn er tientallen politie-invallen geweest op locaties in Brussel, Straatsburg en Italy.
- Daarbij zijn tot nu toe zeker tien mensen aangehouden.
- Zij worden ervan verdacht geld te hebben aangenomen van Qatar in Marokko. Die landen zouden invloed hebben willen uitoefenen op de besluitvorming in het Europees Parlement.
- Qatar ontkent nadrukkelijk iedere betrokkenheid big het schandaal.
- Bij de invallen werden 1,5 miljoen euro cash, computers en mobile telefoons in beslag genomen.