Amersfoort for the Corona outbreak: ‘no studies have been conducted on this topic’

Amersfoort for the Corona outbreak: ‘no studies have been conducted on this topic’

According to Professor of Immunology Marjolyn Van Egmond from UMC, population vaccinations are now being prepared on demand. “This is an exception, no studies have been conducted in this setting. It is necessary to consider when the population’s complaints decrease. So the plan can also differ from a patient. Usually, a second vaccination should follow after three weeks, but this is possible. It can be extended to Six weeks. “

The fact that so many people fell ill despite the first shot is a matter of misfortune, Van Egmond says. “It takes the immune system at least 11 to 14 days to follow up on such a vaccination, especially in the elderly. These people have been infected in the meantime. Their complaint may be milder than if they had not been infected after the vaccination. Because there may be some. Resistance anyway. “

Meanwhile, the care home is trying as much as possible to care for infected people in their rooms and keep them separate from uninfected people, Bongers explains. “We have also adapted the visiting schedule, with three regular visitors per resident per week. We are nursing people in the last stage of their lives, so it is also important for residents and their loved ones to take into account the quality of life.”

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