Dutch Stroopwafels struggling in the UK: ‘You’re looking for loopholes in the law’

Dutch Stroopwafels struggling in the UK: ‘You’re looking for loopholes in the law’

Biskers coached the Netherlands team in the summer of 2019. The company collects and sends gift packages. The Dutch often send parcels containing Dutch pastries abroad as a business gift or to encourage someone.

When the Bikers took the helm, Corona quickly advanced. “The first half of the year was big from a business point of view.”

For example, the lockdown made it difficult or even impossible to send parcels to Italy for several months. “The big disadvantage is that you were not often informed until after that that a parcel could not be sent, and thus got stuck somewhere between the Netherlands and Italy.”

And now Brexit is starting to take off. No, Biskers did not have contact with customs or a ministry, she says, prior to Brexit. “We have a shipping party, Sendcloud, that gives us a lot of information. They contract with the shipping parties, and we buy the shipping costs from them.”

Childhood diseases

It was also a message from that party last December that prompted Bikers to decide not to send gift packages to the UK in the first month of the new year. Usually 5 to 10 percent of Team Holland gift packages are like this, and now the trade has stopped.

“In December, mail traffic in this direction was really steady due to the pandemic. Partly due to Brexit, there was a good chance that parcels would be returned. Meanwhile, the country was released again, so to speak, but we still are. We are waiting to ship because so many packages are being sent with congestion. ”

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Biskers also wants to wait until the teething problems surrounding Brexit are resolved.

Bypass regulations

Free movement has not been possible between the European Union and the United Kingdom since 1 January. Last month, the Bikers received a number of packages from British customs. “This indicates that it is very strict. The returns clearly indicated that they could not be sent because the customs documents were missing.”

As a small online store with two co-workers, she is now trying to send packages as gifts as possible. “This is possible up to a certain amount. We try to stay without so that we do not have to pay the costs of customs clearance and import duties.”


This is primarily a customer service, Biskers says. “Would he be willing to send a gift package in this way? This is especially true for our private customers. If we are going to ship a lot outside of the European Union, we have to consider all administrative additions such as separate shipping codes.”

She says it is easier to ship more expensive parcels within the European Union. “There is simply so much that is possible. Outside of that it gets more complicated quickly, especially if you also have alcohol in the package. The UK’s exit in this regard is an obstacle for us.”

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