At least €10 billion needed to rebuild Pakistan after floods |  Currently

At least €10 billion needed to rebuild Pakistan after floods | Currently

It is estimated that Pakistan needs at least 10 billion euros to rebuild the country. Floods caused by heavy monsoon rains require repair of roads, bridges, and telecommunications. About a million homes were damaged or destroyed.

Minister Ahsan Iqbal (Planning and Development) confirmed on Tuesday that the mentioned €10 billion is an early estimate and that the costs could be higher. It is believed that the recent floods, which killed more than 1,100 people, are worse than those that occurred in 2010. More than 2,000 people were killed.

Iqbal said it could take up to five years to rebuild the country. In the short term, there is a major food shortage. Pakistan is even considering importing food from India. There is currently no trade with that neighboring country.

Pakistan has seen double the usual amount of rain since June. As a result, a third of the country will be under water. There are few dry areas of land, especially in the south and west. Severe weather affects more than 33 million people – about 15 percent of the Pakistani population.

Minister points to climate change as the cause

Pakistan calls on the international community to provide assistance. The first countries have already complied. Iqbal argues that the world owes Pakistan the help. According to the minister, Pakistan is a victim of climate change caused by the “irresponsible development of the developed world”.

The United Nations wants to raise 160 million euros for Pakistan. This means that 5.2 million people could be helped with food, water, sanitation and care, among other things.

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Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says the Pakistani people are facing a “monsoon on steroids” and calls for solidarity. “Let’s stop our sleepwalking toward the destruction of our planet by climate change,” he says.

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