The word Hague Bluf appears from WOB documents

The word Hague Bluf appears from WOB documents

Article Summary

Recently released WOB documents show how people behind the scenes knew in 2020 how poorly proving various actions are. But this was hidden to the outside world and the results of those measures were determined in the models.

Read the full article: The Hague Bluff emerges from the WOB Docs

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There is no evidence

One of the descriptions that always makes me smile is “resolve in search of a problem”.

This is the solution, which can be pretty or creative in itself, but there is no problem in using this solution. Then one would have to twist in all sorts of turns to offer this solution.

With a new series of WOB documents becoming available, a different version of this statement came to mind. They had a solution, but there was no evidence that this approach would actually have the supposed effect.

This series of WOB documents is described in Indepen Titled “WOB Documents Reveal No Evidence of Measures”. Especially if you still remember the “conviction” with which the measures were announced in 2020 (and beyond). This should make an important contribution to significantly reducing the spread of the virus and the pressure on health care.

The scaling numerical effect was entered and passed on in the RIVM/Wallinga models. We then heard that “measurement X results in a reduction of virus spread by Y%”. And then we heard again that the procedure had this effect (but the additional increase occurred because we did not adhere to the procedures correctly).

It was out of the question whether you commented on those numerical assumptions or if you drew attention to the flaws of those conscious measures. Because it was never quantified when determining the foreground, while the damage – and not just to public health – became too great.

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Also, the majority of members of the House of Representatives do not want appropriate assessments of the measures taken. For it may then turn out that the effect was in fact much smaller than had always been assumed and that the damage was much greater.

WOB documents show that there is no scientific basis for these measures. Behind the scenes people have been searching for him and discussing how to conceal this deficiency.

Here are a number of documents that prove this:

There is no evidence within 1.5 meters

An internal email within the RIVM.

The Hague Bluff appeared from WOB Documentation - 46415

There is no justification for closing schools

From a connection between two ministries (including the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Fisheries):

The word Hague Bluff appears in the WOB Documentation - 46416

Mouth caps suspended in the air

This is what people are writing to each other in August 2020 about non-medical mouth coverings.

The word Hague Bluff appears from WOB - 46417

Then I started an experiment, because the mouth covers were supposed to ensure that people would keep a distance of 1.5 meters better.

outdoor crowd control

Then, in August 2020, research was conducted on whether wearing a mouthpiece ensures that people are closer to each other than if they did not wear a mouthpiece. The study shows that there is no effect as shown below in the news issued by the security regions in Rotterdam and Amsterdam. It states below that they are operating in both cities in September 2020 to reduce crowds. After all, everything had to be done to ensure that people would not be within a radius of 1.5 meters from each other.

The Hague Bluff appears from WOB Documentation - 46418

The Hague Bluff appears from WOB Documentation - 46419

In addition, be aware that at that time, when lawsuits were filed against certain actions, the judge took the position that the proceedings were well substantiated. After all, that was what the RIVM/VWS had always said back then!

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Laugh or cry?

I conclude with three images that present a picture of the world we ended up in at that time. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry…

The Hague Bluff appears from WOB Documentation - 46420

The word Hague Bluff appears from WOB - 46421

The word Hague Bluff appears from WOB - 46422

It is very strange what will emerge from the WOB documents that VWS, despite court rulings, is not willing to make public.

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