Praasterink debuts Eindhoven Tower in 11th place in the World Cup: “A very cool experience” |  sports area

Praasterink debuts Eindhoven Tower in 11th place in the World Cup: “A very cool experience” | sports area

Dipper Else Guurtje Praasterink finished 11th in the final in the 10m tower section in her World Cup debut. It was a surprise to the 19-year-old from Eindhoven that she made it to the final battle in Hungary. ,,Fun too.”

Prastrrink admitted that she was shivering on the world stage. Everything is a little bigger and that comes when you have to walk over the pool deck beforehand during the proposal tour. “I think it’s a very nice experience,” Prastrenk says.

There were several Chinese in the stands of Dona Stadium in Budapest on Monday evening. Yuxi Chen (gold with 417.25 points after five jumps) and Hongchan Quan (416.95) occasionally showed a 10 on the scoreboard and were unmatchable. Prastrink scored 268.55 in the final, reaching 287.80 and 289.80 on Sunday. “It’s a shame it’s not the result I wanted to achieve. I wanted so much and then it just didn’t work out. I learn from that.”

super performance

National team coach Ramon de Maijer described reaching the final as a great achievement. Participating in this level for the first time and then getting straight to the final is just very good. I knew he’d be in it, but suddenly she belonged to athletes you wouldn’t normally see except on TV. It’s smarter, Geldropinar said, because she kept her head up.

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Guurtje Praasterink does a somersault straight from the tower.
Guurtje Praasterink does a somersault straight from the tower. © Lisa Lautner/Reuters

Prastrenk has definitely impressed with all those world hats combined. I see all athletes with tattoos of the Olympic rings. Of course I train with Celine and Angie, but here I can chat with jumpers that I’m incredibly impressed with. I often get asked if I’m from Hungary haha, I don’t know why. Take a closer look at what they do and how it should be done. The goal is to get to the Paris Games in two years, and that would be pretty cool. I think I’m on the right track, I hope so.”

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The successor of Celine Van Doyen

Ange Janssen gave birth to a daughter, and Celine Van Doyen underwent surgery on her shoulder. She will not return to the 10-meter podium, says her successor Prastrink, who plays senior sports and studies biology at the University of Louisville in the US state of Kentucky. Celine will focus synchronously on the 3-meter plank with Inge. I’m too young to jump on a plank, and I’d also rather not have this moving thing.”


I’ve been training in Eindhoven for a while and my parents were tired of driving up and down

Guurtje Praasterink (19), transit tower

At the age of seven she was already told that she would still be too young to become a competitive swimmer. They said “so try something else”. This is how I ended up in the Zoetermeer’s scuba diving pool. My sister did too and she really liked it right away.” She quickly found out she had a knack for it. That’s why we moved to Eindhoven with the family about eight years ago. I was training there for a while and my parents got tired of driving up and down.”

Guurtje Praasterink in action at the World Tower Jumping Championships.
Guurtje Praasterink in action at the World Tower Jumping Championships. © Marton Munos/Reuters

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