The Turks are going to lease the horticultural land abroad

The Turks are going to lease the horticultural land abroad

Turkey plans to lease agricultural and horticultural land in several countries in Africa and Latin America, hoping it can grow crops there to increase its agricultural and horticultural productivity. Authorities are exploring such possibilities in ten countries, with the exception of Venezuela and Sudan. Authorities are also in talks with Ukraine.

Agriculture and Forests Minister Vahit Kirişçi recently discussed the plan with a group of lawmakers. Krishi said local cultivation caters to domestic consumption, however it is necessary to lease land abroad if there is an intention to export agricultural and horticultural products.

The minister explained that Turkish farmers were migrating to big cities and that the land in the countryside was barren due to this migration. The Directorate General of Agricultural Institutions (TIGEM) will coordinate the agricultural land leasing program in other countries.

Turkish farmers expect to be able to grow sunflower, corn, cotton, sugarcane, clover, rapeseed, pineapple, mango and butter overseas. Most of the goods will be for export and the projects will be carried out by the private sector.


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