Sports Minister Helder talks about discrimination in football –

Sports Minister Helder talks about discrimination in football –

Rotterdam (ANP) – Sports Minister Connie Helder and representatives from the Ministries of Justice, Security, Social Affairs, Employment, Education, Culture and Science spoke to various representatives of football ahead of the Dutch national team’s duel with Poland in COEP. The topics of discussion were discrimination in football and the common plan to combat it.

Professional football director Marianne van Leeuwen and amateur football director Jan Dirk van der Zee explain the “Our Football is for Everyone” campaign. Evgeny Levchenko (VVCS Players’ Union), footballers Pia Rijsdijk (Fyenoord), Amber Verspaget (ADO The Hague), Dianaira Cassiano (Be Quick’28 Zwolle) and coach Manuela Casciano (Be Quick’28 Zwolle) shared their experiences with the politicians present, just like the referees Marisca Overtoom and Martin Wever.

Our Football for Everyone campaign was launched two years ago. The national government, KNVB, Eredivisie CV, Keuken Kampioen Division and Pure Energie Eredivisie Women have since joined forces to combat discrimination in professional and amateur football. The plan is centered around awareness, identification, sanctions and cooperation and includes twenty new, more stringent measures, nearly all of which are in effect.

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