From acting to bombing with robots – faces of science

From acting to bombing with robots – faces of science

KNAW / Eva Hilhorst via Creative Commons

In the comic book and teaching package Scarab and the mysterious disease Like real scientists, four children research how some of them might get sick after seeing a mummy up close. During their research, they discovered that the science is incredibly diverse. For example, they interview researchers in archaeology, psychology, virology, and data science, and that involves a lot! Actually too much for a good explanation in comic form. That’s why I decided to turn some complicated topics into vlogs. In each vlog, I pick one comic book topic and visit experts who know all about it. During the vlogs, I bombard the experts with all sorts of questions, actually a bit like Het Klokhuis! Today the topic of ‘Robots’ is basic and I’m welcome to robotics maker Edwin Dertien.

As you already know, I have a large collection of “tools” at home. At least that’s what I like to call them. In fact, it mainly consists of strange gadgets and funny toys. Among all these tools, there is also a hidden bot called Cozmo. He may be small, but he has a big mind and an even bigger personality! He can be happy, sad, impatient or excited; Actually just like a human!

Visit robot builder Edwin Derten

Anne-Marie Maan on Nemo Kineslink

But robots go beyond just cute toys. For example, robots are used in healthcare, factories, military purposes and even in space! Today I’m welcome to Edwin Derten’s robot builder workshop.

Do you want to know more about this? Then watch the vlog!

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Treasure hunting

Curious where did you last visit? In my previous vlog I searched for treasure with archaeologist Stijn and found out what they were looking for. You can see it in this vlog!

Next month I’ll find out about Psychologist, and I’ll be visiting Psychologist Merrill Molinar. Are you watching?

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