Most popular golf courses for dogs •

Most popular golf courses for dogs •

nice place

[swiet-spot] • Einglish

Meaning in golf: the center of the club’s face. In other words: the best place on your team of 14 where you have to hit the ball. Of course you have to aim well.


Well, if the luxury fashion brands are already trying to make gains on the golf course, then wait well and get ready for the conquest of a new wave of golfers.
Louis Vuitton once swung into the world in a cheap golf bag and in the frenzy of collaborations between exclusive fashion brands and sports brands, it would soon be Gucci and Adidas’ turn. Together they launch a sportswear line. We don’t think every piece of clothing is good to work with (but maybe we’re missing the point here), but you do attract a lot of attention.
And let’s be honest, how cool would it be to put that Gucci golf bag in the trunk of our Toyota Prius in front of the entire neighborhood and re-view the scenery in reverse in the golf course parking lot?
Keep dreaming!

Gucci adidas on the golf course

in the sandbox

We’re back to reality and this video is a little closer to the Sweetspot Editors’ photo glistening on the green catwalk. This is probably what is meant when you hear the phrase “play sandboxed again today” in a conversation with a golfer. But you’ll end up laughing when that’s the point? Ah, golf remains the best sport out there…

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Talk about sandbox. Do you also have a father, husband, or friend who never reads a book during their summer beach vacation, but shows their love of golf a little bit each summer? Although it does give us an idea. Or does NK beach mini golf really exist?

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Another little tip if you want to think of the beach as a golf course. Do it on the beach. employment. He. She. Beach. Not near the beach…

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Happy Gilmore

Great message from the US: We all know Happy Gilmore, which celebrated its 25th anniversary last year with Adam Sandler in the lead role. Since then, Happy Gilmore has become a household name in golf: hitting your ball as you advance from the tee.
Now it turns out there is a real happy Gilmore in America, who can also play a little golf. employment is the story to read About this Happy, a high school student who tried to qualify for the US Open two weeks ago, but failed to do so. To be fair, Said is not his Christian name. This is Landon James, but no one calls him anymore after some youth tournament spectators called him Happy…

Happy Gilmore is already there


It is not possible to tell stories of children playing golf passionately and mastering it. The following talent is already ready and his development in recent years is showing off great here.

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For the “Swinging is a Unique Thing” section, we were drawn to this sample. We’ve unanimously agreed here in the editors that this should have a place in the How To Manage It exhibit. happened.

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Dogs on the golf course

Finally, in the Animal News category. It’s really not news. The story is centuries old, but according to a survey by Maurice de Hond, many golfers don’t realize it yet. We see it as nothing more and nothing less than our duty to bring to light the unknown stories. The course, which will host the 150th edition of The Open this year and is no less famous than The Home of Golf, serves as a dog-walking area every Sunday. Yes, you read that correctly. Closed to golfers on Sundays in St Andrews, dog owners are allowed to walk the course with their cuddly four-legged friends. This privilege also applies to students. Shrines sanctuary once a week as a free domain, how nice is that? And before you ask these questions: The disciplined dogs and owners leave the trail intact and without any souvenirs.

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