MinOWC starts school food pilot project

MinOWC starts school food pilot project

The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (MinOWC) started a school feeding pilot project last month. The fruit will be provided twice a week to 42 schools selected for the pilot project. The selection is made on the basis of need, which is indicated by the school leaders themselves. The project was formally launched on May 9 at RA Tamenga Public School by the Director of Public Education (AVO), Sherida Zalman-Bergrave.

She was accompanied by Head of Primary Education Office Farsia Wongsukarijo, Head of Legal Affairs, Rabin Lala, Policy Officer and two inspectors from Primary Education. The president of BBO expressed his happiness at the warm reception at the school. She realizes that some pupils go to school without food. “You share, but it is not enough. So the ministry has resumed the school feeding project,” Wongsukarijo told the students.

According to Zalman Bergrave, the project is an addition to what parents can afford. “Sometimes what parents give isn’t enough. Then we give them Bacofen to meet that need. There’s enough for each pilot school, even if students want more than one,” says Zalman Bergraf.

After the evaluation, it will become clear what the teething problems are and more schools will be involved. The Ministry decided to re-launch the school feeding project, because the need seems great. Several school leaders have asked the ministry to start the project and provide the children with food. School leaders noticed that students at school sometimes had nothing to eat.

The school feeding project is funded from the Ministry’s own resources. Depending on the progress of this project, expansion will take place.

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Nutrition is an important and necessary building material for children/pupils to perform well in school. The Ministry stresses the importance of good nutrition for children and calls on parents and caregivers not to send their children to school on an empty stomach.

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