This is the winner of Expedition Robinson: All Stars |  show

This is the winner of Expedition Robinson: All Stars | show

Tonight is the winner Expedition Robinson: All Stars announced. And it turned out that this was not a huge surprise to loyal viewers of the survival show.

Of the sixteen celebrities, only actors Ferry Doedens and Niels Gomperts remain, as well as Dominique Hazeleger as the only woman. All participants are pre-qualifiers (semi-finalists) and will get a new chance to win with this All Stars edition.

It turns out that the gumberts are a purebred breed survivor During the program, and with the finale on the horizon, he feels like he’s showing up more. , the finish line is very close, giving plenty of energy to give this final push. Now I want to win it too.”

Hazeleger is especially proud that for the second time in Expedition Robinson can stand. The media personality was still unknown to the Dutch public during her first engagement. “I am very happy that I was able to experience it all again. Once again in a beautiful location with crazy relish. I enjoyed it.” Dowdens, the third place finisher, is also looking forward to the final fight. “Being able to experience this twice is indescribable, I feel like a special person.”

But only one person can rulesurvivor To be. And that, after a bloody final in which ropes are dragged, climbed into towers, shot with arrows, balls thrown and thrown from ropes, turns out to be the truly killer winner (and a semi-finalist from 2017): Nils Gomberts.

“I’m so happy and cheerful. So proud of myself. I can be real now. I can’t wait to tell my girlfriend and son,” he says. Although Doedens and Hazeleger were disappointed, they didn’t find the result surprising either. The sports actor says about this: “If there is a person Expedition Robinson He should have won, he is Niels. What a boss.”

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