“29-year-old L. from Rotterdam deliberately infects women with HIV”

“29-year-old L. from Rotterdam deliberately infects women with HIV”

Archive photo for clarification

In Rotterdam, three women recently filed a complaint against LP De Rotterdammer, a 29-year-old of Surinamese origin, for allegedly having infected his bed partners with HIV.

The women took their story to RTL and noted that six women now contracted HIV through L. because, according to his former partners, he is silent about his illness, and they warn women who are in a relationship with him or are associated with him. In a short time, L. recently became a father several times.

Victims want to treat him and hire a lawyer. However, according to the Public Prosecution spokesperson, it is “legally impossible” to prosecute L. The Public Prosecution Office says: “It is impossible to prove that women contracted HIV through this man specifically.”

The lawyer representing the three women admits that it is legally complicated, but she says there is evidence. The lawyer now wants to try to force litigation through the court.

“Women hope to reach other women who have experienced the same thing with L.. Lawyer says women who walk around unintentionally are HIV-positive” against RTL

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