Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich banned from Britain

Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich banned from Britain


Chelsea’s Russian owner Roman Abramovich is said to have the sun He is no longer welcome in the UK, and now he appears to have very good relations with the Kremlin.

Lawrence Turk

According to the newspaper, the man has not been seen for months at the home of his football team in southwest London. He is also said to have withdrawn his visa application, which allows the very wealthy to invest in Britain. Immigration officials are said to have been instructed to make it impossible for Abramovich – who owns a £125m mansion near Kensington Palace – to settle in the UK as well. His case will be dealt with by the “Special Service” of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Lawmakers on Tuesday named Abramovich as one of 35 members of the oligarchy whom Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has described as Putin’s “close friends.” The man claims he denies. He also says that he did not do anything that should have punished him. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced today that he will impose economic and political sanctions on Russia following the invasion of Ukraine.

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