Windsor hard against 2022 regulations: ‘cars must be left alone’

Windsor hard against 2022 regulations: ‘cars must be left alone’

Formula 1 regulations will come into effect next season. The cars’ regenerative aerodynamics should ensure that the cars can better follow each other, so that the race sees more overtaking. While this change appears positive, Peter Windsor is a strong opponent of the new regulations. He sees sports policymakers as doing their best to make the show better, but they forget about the bigger picture.

Windsor says the new regulations are unwelcome. The 69-year-old journalist knows that they were created unfairly. “Many of the changes we see in Formula 1 at the moment are unnecessary,” Windsor began in his own words furiously. Youtube video. The decisions that are made are based on surveys made by companies that have a lot of money. These surveys are really a pain point in my life. The questions are usually illogical and are phrased in such a way that the answer is always desirable for the goal that the author wants to achieve.

Formula 1 has confirmed that there will be a budget cap, which will make technical innovation more equal. There is a fear that the cars will look too similar. The new regulations should allow for more overreach, but they forgot that the space for innovation has become a lot smaller. Ferraris will now look a lot like Mercedes cars. At a certain point, they started driving with the same chassis, because it no longer matters. Soon people will be begging again that Ferrari will look like Ferrari and that Mercedes will look like Mercedes.

More entertainment in Formula 1

The Briton now sees money playing a major role in sports. “The fact that there are so few technical innovations now is because Formula 1 wants to provide more entertainment.” Windsor thinks the show is good, but he’s going to take it a bit more personal. “If they want to provide more entertainment, they have to put cameras up during team meetings. Sure, you have to censor some of them, but it can provide a lot of insight for the fans. We have to leave the cars and the weekend format alone.”

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Windsor believes that changing cars will not increase the value of entertainment. According to the journalist, there are a lot of examples of exciting racing without a lot of overtaking maneuvers. “People have the naive idea that more overtaking equals better show, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. Just look at this season’s US Grand Prix. If the race is well directed, a Formula 1 race can be exciting. Too much without a lot of overtaking maneuvers. You have to show different things so that people understand what’s going on.”

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