How sustainable is the new coalition agreement?

How sustainable is the new coalition agreement?

The new government reinforces ambitions. It aims to achieve a 55 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2030. To make sure this target is achieved, the government is aiming for 60 percent. The government also sets goals for the very distant future. It aims to achieve a 70 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2035. And 80 percent in 2040. The coalition that called itself the greenest cabinet ever in the previous period appears to be putting its words into action during this presidency. It remains to be seen what happens to the green schemes, but at least some of the promising ideas are already on paper.

Direction and coordination

In addition to a new Minister for Climate and Energy and the return of a VRO Minister (without M) to oversee the major housing challenge, the coalition agreement also proposes an independent scientific advisory board, as the UK has already set up for some time under the climate Change Committee. the CCC In the UK, long-term climate policy monitors, evaluates and makes recommendations.

In addition, the new government wants to present a generational test: What is the impact of the proposed policy (and decisions) on future generations? What does the decision we make now mean for people who are ten years old, who will be where we are thirty years from now?

Another interesting point is that the government wants to invest in professionals (mainly technical). The current shortage of these is one of the greatest challenges of our time. The agreement states that educational institutions, governments and social partners want to train people. The practical (and budget) aspect is yet to be determined.

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The most important elements of the coalition agreement:

  • Minister of Climate and Energy, responsible for managing policy and the Climate Fund.
  • Minister of VRO (Public Housing and Spatial Planning), a coordinating function of spatial policy, both in relation to urbanization and in relation to other tasks with a strong spatial component.
  • Invest in training professionals.
  • Enter the generation key.
  • Reassess climate policy based on expected effects on CO2 emissions and affordability for households and small and medium-sized businesses.

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