Riot Games showcases footage from the 2D fighting game project L – Games – News

Riot Games has released to developers new screenshots and revealed content details for Project L. Under this tentative title, the company is working on a 2D fighting game set in the world of Runeterra.

Project L will be a fighting game where players choose a team of two characters and compete against a similar team. The characters are based on the champions of the universe Runeterra and League of Legends. For example, the creators show the character Ekko, who has a back attack, allowing him to repeat a previous attack.

Although Riot is showing Project L gameplay in a video, Emphasis on makers that this is for vertical slice he goes. This means that the game hasn’t been developed yet, but a small playable piece has been made to specifically display these visuals and movement.

The developers say: “It may seem like the game is about to finish, but there is still a lot of work to be done.” Riot confirmed that Project L is still in an early stage of development and will not be rolled out this year or next. The studio won’t say when the game will be released, but the wording points to a 2023 release as soon as possible.

The creators’ goal is to create a fighting game that gives players “years or decades” and the assurance that they don’t want to rush into it. The game is supposed to be easy to play but hard to master completely. Riot will also focus heavily on network code, for seamless online gameplay. The studio uses its own RiotDirect technology, which is also used in League of Legends and Valorant.

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Project L was first announced in 2019, but then the fighting game has been quiet for a long time. The studio says it will now provide more information about the development. Next year, Riot will announce more on two occasions. The first update will be offered sometime in the first half of 2022.

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