Phil Bee stuns viewers of The Voice Senior away with a performance

Phil Bee stuns viewers of The Voice Senior away with a performance

BEWARE: This article contains spoilers about the semifinals of The Voice Senior.

Phil sang “Tennessee Whiskey” by Chris Stapleton in the semi-finals, then received a standing ovation from his coach Frans Bauer and Angela Grothwezen. “It’s really ridiculous, ridiculously good performance,” Angela said excitedly afterward. “You’d be absolutely crazy, France, if you didn’t take this guy with you to the final.”

Phil’s coach also agrees: “I already have two great ladies sitting on the bench, but then I looked right in front of me, and I thought: ‘Wow, what a great performance.'” In the end, France made a difficult decision to send one of the ladies home, and that’s nothing but Former Eurovision participant Justin Belmilai.” “Yeah, that final was so close and then you sit on that bench the whole time and then you think: ‘This must be fine’, and then only at the last minute, unfortunately…”

Along with Phil, France will also take singer Adrian West to the final The Voice Senior. Many people at home understand the choice of Frans, as can be inferred from the feedback:

The Grand Final of The Voice Senior See you on October 8 at 8pm on RTL4. Yesterday’s episode Can you see it here.

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