Biden celebrates  trillion in infrastructure as a victory over polarization

Biden celebrates $1 trillion in infrastructure as a victory over polarization

After a tough few weeks, with soaring inflation, an increase in immigrants at the southern border and vaccinations stagnating, US President Biden scored a resounding political victory.

Despite the crippling polarization, he managed to persuade 19 of the 50 Republican senators to vote on the infrastructure bill on Tuesday. Total proposed expenditures: $1,000 billion (more than €850 billion, which is two and a half times the total Dutch national budget). „We build the future here Biden said in a speech after the vote.

Those who did not see the symbolism of his victory were themselves, the chief pointed out to them. It was at the center of Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign that he promised to bridge the country’s deep rifts, especially in Washington politics. The fact that this bill passed 69-30 votes in the Senate, Biden took the opportunity in his speech to emphasize its symbolism: the old compromise policies are still possible.

Infrastructure Contract

Biden had practiced mocking his predecessor before his speech: ‘After years and years with’Infrastructure Week“We are now on the cusp of a decade of infrastructure.” Donald Trump also promised large-scale investments in the dilapidated US roads and bridges in his 2016 campaign, but only allowed one week a year for plans – and no bill from his administration ever passed.

From the sidelines, former President Trump, according to party chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, has issued statements about the “No Infrastructure Act” in recent weeks, according to party chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. To prevent his party members from supporting the proposal. The fact that nineteen Republicans did so is also of symbolic significance.

Trump’s terrible reign on the Republican Party as president is now over.

Trump’s terrible reign on the Republican Party as president is now over. Republican politicians are making their own assessment, and the Trump factor is clearly no longer decisive. The Nineteen “Rinos” as Trump called them (Republicans in name only) Fear not, Trump supporters seem to see electoral advantage in their contribution to improving infrastructure.

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Among those voting “yes” was Republican leader Mitch McConnell, Trump said in his statement on Saturday – “I haven’t seen any evidence that I’m smart.” Just months ago, McConnell said he would focus “100 percent of his attention” on “opposing this administration’s agenda.” But he has already agreed to part of that agenda. He and the others earned him a word of thanks from Biden “for the courage he showed.”

old compromise

Republicans are not without fighting agree with the Democratic plans. In the original proposal, Democrats wanted $2,600 billion to be spent, and “hard” infrastructure — roads, bridges, canals, dams, trains, internet connections — was just a small part of the total. What was passed on Tuesday lacks any trace of originally proposed investments in things like childcare, housing and tax credits for energy-efficient businesses. Of the 157 billion originally expected for the development of electric cars, 15 billion remain in the final bill. It was an old-fashioned compromise, one that Biden has long hailed as a presidential candidate.

Political observers are now eagerly awaiting the next item on Biden’s agenda: a $3,500 billion budget proposal. For Republicans, especially the left wing of the Democratic Party, this will be a new test. It’s an achievement by Biden and Democratic leaders in the Senate and House of Representatives that they have been able to keep party members on their side while removing much of the (climate) left’s desires from the Infrastructure Act to win Republicans. Withdrawal. Tighten Will they be as obedient with the budget proposal?

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The first hurdle was taken. In the evening from Tuesday to Wednesday, the Senate debated the budget proposal. has been approved. The result: All 50 Democrats are in favor, and all 50 Republicans are against. Now the bill goes to the House of Representatives, where most right-wing Republicans and most left-wing Democrats sit.

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