“Stranger Things” movie studio shooting

“Stranger Things” movie studio shooting

Whew: Shot in movie studios

© Provided by SerieTotaal
Whew: Film Studios Shot ‘Stranger Things’

The Netflix studio where the series hit Weird things He was accepted, got into trouble. There was a fire in the studio.

Newsweek reported that a studio in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in the United States was on fire. Fortunately, the Albuquerque Rescue Department was quick on the scene to keep the situation under control. No one was injured in the fire.

old building

It might be good to know: the set site was an old dismantled building and not a collection for recordings. This also means that the disaster is not so bad.

The fire department press officer, Tom Ruiz, stated that 13 units were sent to Address 5650 University SE at Netflix Studios. Upon arrival, the units discovered that an entire small movie set was engulfed in smoke and flames.

By working together quickly, they quickly extinguished these. In short: it’s okay. Now we have to wait for the release of the fourth season.

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