4 ways to keep your brain in good shape

4 ways to keep your brain in good shape

Unfortunately, there is no magic formula that you can follow to keep your brain in good condition for as long as possible. Fortunately, there are a number of things that will help you on your way.


According to neuropsychologist Eric Scherder, confusion makes for a healthier brain. This means confusion in any way. Making jigsaw puzzles, making sudoku or looking up words are all kinds of puzzles. In addition to keeping your brain in shape, confusion also helps train your memory.

The most important thing about confusion, according to the psychologist, is that you keep challenging yourself. Since you can do puzzles at different levels, you can always go to a higher level. Try this four-star puzzle often to keep your mind really healthy.


Reading (and writing) keeps our brains healthy and fit, even as the years go by. Research shows that older adults who regularly engage in brain activation activities like this are less likely to suffer from memory loss.

The research comes from the medical journal Neurology of the American Academy of Neurology. It states: “Our research indicates that it is important to carry out brain stimulation activities from an early age, as this keeps our minds young.”

healthy food

Did you know that certain nutrients have a proven positive effect on the performance and condition of your brain? Eat a balanced, varied and healthy diet: After that you have everything “checked” to get all the necessary nutrients.

In particular, fatty fish, Vitamin 12, Vitamin C and Vitamin E help brain cells get on their way. For example, eating too little fatty acids can degrade your focus and make you forgetful. Lack of vitamins and minerals can cause anemia and fatigue.

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Hint: Always chew your food well. This makes your heart beat faster. This ensures that your brain has a better blood flow.

Stop movement

Adequate exercise is important to keep your mind healthy. Do not exhaust yourself in the gym every day, just go for a walk more than once. Thirty minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day is more than enough to build cognitive reserves in young adults.

In addition, it delays the development of dementia in the elderly. The white matter in your brain improves blood circulation and improves communication between cells and networks.

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