36 officers injured after riots: Black lives matter: “A wave of anger and violence” |  Abroad

36 officers injured after riots: Black lives matter: “A wave of anger and violence” | Abroad

Nine police officers have been hospitalized, and one of them is still under observation. Nieuwsblad Reports. A police officer had a broken collarbone during the riots. Among the wounded was a policeman who was a target of rioters while he was riding his motorcycle. Police Chief Christian Bobert said he was seriously injured, but not serious, and described the riots as a “wave of anger and violence.”

Katia Olsiyowska from the New York clothing store in St. Lambert Square says she had to hide with customers while they heard the bombs exploded. “I was fortunate to have an agent at the door and the doors closed quickly,” she told RTL info. “I let the first two groups go out through the emergency exit.” Unfortunately, not everyone has the same luck. “I didn’t take out the third group because the rioters tried to get in from the other side. I decided it was better to lock us in the storage room. We heard a noise but we didn’t know what was going on. It was so exhausting.”


On Sunday, police staged a demonstration entitled “Black Lives Matter” against police violence and racism. A few hundred rioters rocked the city center on Saturday afternoon. They destroyed McDonald’s restaurant and stores. Moreover, a police station and the municipality building were bombed. Police deployed water cannons and tear gas.

The demonstration was announced in response to an incident involving a Congolese woman who had opposed the police at the station on Monday. As a precaution, the authorities had already prepared additional security forces on Saturday.

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