3,450 km barefoot across America

3,450 km barefoot across America

Afghan athlete Anton Nodboom broke the world record for running barefoot last Sunday. The Dutchman has traveled over 3,450 kilometers across America, all barefoot.

On February 17, Knootenboom — also known as The Barefoot Dutchman — began his frenzied journey on Santa Monica Beach. Eventually he ends up in Times Square in New York, but it takes a while. Notenboom is on this eight-month journey to bring attention to men’s mental health. An important theme for him after his time in the army.

Heavier than expected

Breaking the world record (which was held by Pavel Durakievich) turned out to be more difficult than expected. During his hellish journey, he suffered second-degree burns in Kansas due to ice on his toes in the Rocky Mountains and hot roads that could reach 40 degrees. He has withstood many adverse weather conditions.
During his travels he met many Americans with special stories about mental health. His ‘Brave Men Talk’ campaign has built an impressive following 700,000 followers on TikTok. He has to walk another 1,700 kilometers to complete his journey. This happens during hurricane season, which makes New York much colder as it nears its end. The rest of his adventure Also follow on Instagram.

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