3 times the data in 23: Database experts look ahead

3 times the data in 23: Database experts look ahead

AMSTERDAM, December 15, 2022 – Looking at coffee grounds is an art, but with data it becomes a science. That is, if every organization can extract maximum value from its data. We’re not there yet, but every year business use of data evolves exponentially. Where will the focus be in 2023? Three experts from Databricks He looks forward.

Data management streamlined and centralized
“In conversations with other CIOs, I’ve noticed that companies grow exponentially without a plan to organize their data. When a company is focused on expanding at any cost, it doesn’t invest in the right technology to support that growth,” said Naveen Zucchi, CIO of Databricks. In the end, they will run into trouble.”

Part of the problem he points out is that IT managers today have too many systems to manage. Too much disjointed data storage leads to duplication of isolated data which is not only time consuming and costly to manage and analyze, but also comes with security issues. For a company to make real progress in digital transformation, data warehousing, and data management, all workloads must be centralized.

Zucchi: “We will see more CEOs cut back on vendor spending to streamline their data architecture. Companies that implement an architecture that combines historical and predictable analytics to deliver efficient and intelligent solutions will ultimately become more competitive.”

Data security becomes chefsache
The need to standardize and simplify data management will drive more organizations toward a data lake architecture, says Databricks CSO Fermín Serna. “Unifying silos provides tremendous business value to businesses. However, it also requires organizations to evolve their teams and operations toward a centralized governance model to keep data and workloads secure.”

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“In 2023, we will see an increase in ‘secure sharing’ — the ability to share data both internally and externally while access is centrally controlled and data is not duplicated,” Serna continues. Because of the value and importance of business data, it is often kept under lock and key. But this also limited the speed of innovation. After all, this means that companies do not have the means to share data confidentially, either internally within the organization or externally with other organizations. Serna offers a solution to the increasing use of secure data sharing standards based on open source code. Open source standards provide a way for organizations to securely share their data while maintaining a high degree of transparency.

Multicloud is playing a leading role
The emergence of multi-cloud is no longer an expectation, but a reality. Many companies are already multi-cloud – intentionally or unintentionally – and this will only increase. The challenge for data-driven organizations is how to unify data across the cloud and services.

“As organizations integrate all of their data use cases, for example in a data lake, they will tailor cloud vendor decisions to specific data business needs. These include usability, performance, regulatory compliance, and management,” said David Meyer, Senior Vice President of Product Management at Databricks. unified across cloud environments.

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